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Accounting Programs in Georgia


Accounting is not associated with a bunch of papers and documents for a long time now. Instead, all accounting operations have shifted to the electronic format. In this day and age, an accountant will only require a computer and an appropriate accounting program. This article will review mostly utilized accounting programs in Georgia.

The task of an accounting record is to have thorough knowledge about the company, that can be calculated and evaluated. The record includes information: the amount of funds in the cash register, funds in the current account, monetary assets of stored goods in the warehouse and in the store, the company's debt with suppliers, and vice versa, an amount of an obligatory tax. In short – the accounting of everything that can be counted in money and quantity. All this data must be recorded and stored.

The managing accounting program requires a precise selection, depending on the sphere of activity and volume of operations. The choice lies from a basic one to manage micro-business and more progressive for companies with larger operations.The appropriate program contributes to establish the correct settings and automate the processes of preparing and sending reports, maintaining documentation, tax optimization, etc.

An Accounting Program Used in the Past in Georgia

ORIS Accounting is the most popular accounting program in Georgia. The ORIS includes all aspects of accurate accounting:

  • The actual Georgian chart of accounts with the right to change into any type of account of another structure, for example, the International Accounting Standard;
  • The ability to execute any multi-currency transaction or set of transactions, while calculating all necessary amounts or values simultaneously. Every action is recorded in the transaction log;
  • Automatic report generation. It is enough just to specify the period: year, quarter, month or any time interval from date to date, so the system can recalculate any required report for a given period: turnovers, balances, statements of accounts;
  • Multi-user mode. For example, the same user can only participate in transactions, payroll, balance sheets, statements and other forms. The main user can allow or deny access to the intersection of functions;
  • Ongoing updates and technical support.

ORIS has a large set of features, but it is still not fully suitable for today’s needs. Modern accounting involves almost complete automation of balance sheet processes, which allows observation of the whole business process in a single system, understanding the real value of projects, purchase planning, optimal margin determination, and protection from legal sanctions.

An Accounting Software Currently Used in Georgia

At the present, an ideal version for any business is a cloud-based accounting solution. A cloud solution is software, without network infrastructure and IT support. There are plenty of similar programs available worldwide, yet there is a scarcity of such programs in the Georgian market. One of such is ‒

  • Balance is the only cloud accounting software where employees work remotely at the same time without any network infrastructure and IT support, which is especially relevant in today's reality;
  • Automated reporting – all the necessary management and financial reports in one click;
  • Balance allows high-speed operation, preparation of all necessary reports in the program and daily monitoring of the company's financial situation in real-time;
  • Multilingualism allows the use of the program without the knowledge of the Georgian language.

To master and certify the basic knowledge of accounting programs special training is required. However, you can avoid all this, simply by contacting us. The Jara Accounting team will provide you with a personalized approach and a unique solution to your accounting needs.

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